685 Reviews liked by Asfalto



i ran over 6 pedestrians but its ok because i forgave myself





The only scary part of this game was when they had the most realistic door knocking sound effect that made me throw my controller out of my window and run 10 laps around my neighborhood screaming at the top of my lungs at 4am a few months ago





overrated asf, o jogo com uma historia mais polida seria otimo, porém não é um jogo ruim, é otimo e consegue ter uma experiencia de fazer vc chorar

There will never be a character as raw as Reaper ever again

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Well... this is my first game review. So the quality will certainly be highly amateurish. (Sorry for the bad English too)

I never expected in my life a game to touch me so much like this. When I was recommended to play One Dreamer, I didn't have much expectations... and I waited a long time to actually play it. But I'm very happy that I was wrong, the game in its first few minutes already managed to capture all my interest in continuing to play...

The game tells the story of an indie game developer named Frank. A programmer who suffered from severe burnout, and the game takes place between old memories and the formation of his friendship with Luna. Explaining the entire relationship between these two characters; and the entire journey of creating their first major indie game. "ProxyLife" MMO rpg with the premise of being a virtual world for escapism for players from the pains of reality and all its cruelty. showing the beginning of its rise and decline, then being resumed in the present time, where Frank tries to keep the promise he made to his partner: "ProxyLife will be a success".

Speaking of its technical part; The game immediately draws attention for its incredible graphics, and for its enchanting art in the eyes of the players, where they take pixel art to a new level. Its mechanics are certainly quite fun for anyone who is a programmer or gamedev. Borrowing the C-Sharp language, and with a lot of creativity, the game uses pseudo-puzzles, changing codes and variables to progress during the game... (still seeming complicated for those who are new to programming; even those who have never If you know a little about programming logic, you can play and have a lot of fun...)

The game also deserves applause for its soundtrack, which I will make a point of buying and helping the developers get the recognition they deserve... Because this game was definitely an experience that I will never forget...

My dream as a child was always to be a gamedev, I started little by little, but as I grew up and problems came into my life... I left that dream aside... I remember seeing the documentary "Indie Game The Movie" , and being inspired, but at the same time very scared... because I thought... "what if it's not worth it?", "what if you fail like so many others?", "what will happen when you don't have nothing more?"

Little by little, my desire to be an indie gamedev was forgotten within me, and I never programmed or studied anything again for years...

But. This game changed my whole outlook on being a developer, and on being an indie game creator. Maybe I didn't understand IGTM, but this game made me understand. The entire plot, the entire story, each moment of this game, left me in ecstasy because this game touched the bottom of my soul... being an indie GameDev is painful, Reality is Cruel. But wouldn't that be the art of creating an indie game? despite many difficulties, stress, burnouts, depressions and moments where you just want to give up... the art of Creating always manages to move you forward... the feeling of creating and putting your whole being into something, your whole personality , your problems, desires, ambitions and thoughts and being able to express all of this in an interactive way like a video game is something-- incredible.

Jumbo always said "Reality is cruel" Frank always said "Reality is cruel"... and in fact, it really is. but it's the feeling of creating and wanting to touch and change this picture for someone else or even for yourself that makes Indie Games so special... the reality has always been terrible, but in a beautiful way the art of Creating, It always makes us overcome all the weight that is thrown at us.

The game manages to deal with such complex and sensitive topics in an almost masterful way. the process of depression, high stress, defeat, hopelessness, sadness and pain is simply shown in a human way that few games do. the entire trajectory of Frank's mind and his memories and the way he tries to deal with the constant stress of failing, and having his dreams crushed again; It's simply something fascinating. Frank's dream and obsession is something that many creators in any field of art identify with, the feeling that you need to make this project a success, or everything will be in vain, Frank's feeling is passed on to the player , the game puts the player in the shoes of Frank.

The final message of this game is beautiful, exceptionally beautiful. the ending is like a reminder to any other artist who is going through a process of failure, a reminder of: "keep creating. even if you fail, do your best, reality is cruel and it will remind you of that many times, but never lose your dream, your dream of creating something; for yourself or for someone, or to communicate with a certain type of people. reality is horrible, but it's the art and the dream of making it better for you or someone that makes you bear all this."

I thank this game, and its creators, for being able to lift me up and remind me to keep following my dreams, despite all the weight of reality. Sorry for the bad review, I still need practice... but I just felt like I needed to talk about how special this game is. One Dreamer will always have a place inside my soul. I hope one day to create something that inspires other people to create and make art or just help people in a bad time.


This is like 9/11 for the remaining queerphobic Celeste fans

I like how every time we see Madeline she gets a bit gayer

Celeste Classic (2015): Just lil jump girl
Celeste (2018): Implied trans woman with ex boyfriend
Celeste Farewell (2019): Confirmed trans woman no partner mentioned
Celeste 64 (2024): Trans woman with girlfriend

Next time we see Madeline she better be in a 12 person lesbian polycule or else I'm not buying

Like a post-apocalyptic shonen anime where the story eventually turns into Breaking Bad.

This was my first collector's edition, it's very beautiful, I love this game

I took the snake back to the start which left me in despair. I quit the game for several years. I climbed back up and stood facing the snake once again. It was then I understood that setbacks aren't undesirables, but important parts of every journey. I ran the snake to the start and finally got over it, which stayed with me ever since.

Dumped a bunch of API files and the Rockstar launcher into the root of my games folder, which then revoked write privileges on every file in every subfolder, presumably as some sort of anti-cheat. It then proceeded to break several programs in the games folder because they couldn't actually write any data without being run as admin. I spent a few days wondering why so many of my programs were suddenly breaking, and thought I was staring down the barrel of a hard drive failure. No, it was just Rockstar Social Club and the accumulated ~150mb of files that didn't get deleted after I uninstalled. Had to manually clean everything up and reset permissions myself.

Would still be fucking boring even if it wasn't malware.

Ever since Grand Theft Auto 4, Rockstar has had a real fascination with creating technologically marvelous games with incredible sandbox potential, populating them with fun verbs and toys for the player to play with or use to interface with the world, and then implement arbitrary restrictions anywhere and everywhere to slap you on the wrist every time you try to have fun with any of it. This is all done in the name of Immersion. You see, the Houser brothers have Very Important, Very Mature stories to tell you, stories inspired by Michael Mann and Martin Scorcese films, so it's very important that Grand Theft Auto doesn't have jetpacks or parachutes anymore, that you don't do interesting things like attack Area 51 or steal tanks from the military, and that our cowboy game centers 90% of its mission design around Following A Guy On A Horse And Listening To Him Talk.

Red Dead Redemption 2, as with every Rockstar game now, feels like a game at war with itself. It offers you a wide open cowboy fantasy landscape teeming with wildlife, towns, and the folk who live in them. It lets you shoot guns and bows, hunt wild game, tie people up with lassos and drag them from horseback, tie them to train tracks, etc, etc. It lets you rob trains, rob stagecoaches, rob ordinary people and their shops, all intuitively done by simply pointing a gun at a guy and pressing a button. A good 90-95% of the verbs you use in RDR2 (and for that matter, any Rockstar game) are inherently villainous. It offers you unlimited potential for wacky cowboy antics, tinged with silly ragdoll physics and the unbridled cruelty that freeform gameplay allows for, and the moment you engage with any of it, the Fun Police spawn around you in infinite numbers until you ride out of the annoying fucking magic circle that continuously spits hostile NPCs from the ether just outside the draw distance because you dared to ask "what if I tried to have fun in the Mature Cowboy Game For Sophisticated Adults"

For decades, other developers have understood significantly better than Rockstar the fun inherent in mayhem - that the joy of a sandbox is in manipulating the sand, but sadly developers like Pandemic Studios and Volition have all gone under in 2023, taking with them their Mercenaries and their Saboteurs and their Saints Rows. Somehow, inexplicably, the guys who know the least about making a fun open world game continue to release these things year after year to maddening acclaim from the gaming press and the public alike and every time I try to engage with one of their games, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Is it so much to ask for a mission designed around something, you know... fun?

anyway this game is significantly better with a trainer installed mashes the ragdoll button until arthur collides with a horse and cart at mach 5, killing everyone in a 3 mile radius

Has many instances of misogyny and a battle against a shadowy version of yourself, making it yet another lesser RPG jealous of Persona’s success