685 Reviews liked by Asfalto

not to be some sort of shill but i would indeed pay $60 for a nintendo switch port of this and pokepark 2. FUCK skyward sword. FUCK mario sunshine. pokepark

n é bom igual a primeira, eu honestamente n lembro de quase nenhum personagem mas eu chorei mais no final disso que no do 1

É estranho pensar que esse jogo é a sequência do Seasons. Um jogo bem menor, bem sem graça, bem mais fácil, aparentemente não adiciona nada à história em si. Bem ignorável.

This is either going to be a game you love or one you hate; it is frustrating, intentionally so, slow, and methodical. However it is also immensely gratifying, with each bit of progress feeling earned, and very zen. The low amount of music, the narration, and grunts from the hero Diogenes make this a game that felt meditative to play most of the time.

A very effective art piece. I feel like every critical point I'd make against it is actually a reason that I should be praising it. Let's settle for a 3.0 and part ways for now, Bennett.

The one thing I never expected an Obsidian game to be was terminally uninteresting but that's exactly what The Outer Worlds is. A collection of shallow systems, characters, and quests that sort of affect the illusion of a proper RPG with depth and consequence but in reality offers nothing of the sort.

The almost cartoonish lack of depth in the gameplay is mirrored in the story, which is a smarmy and infuriatingly smug monument to Enlightened Centrism that wraps itself in a veneer of anti-capitalist rhetoric so thin that it would struggle to appear meaningfully leftist even to someone who gets all their political opinions from Breadtube. Faux-empathetic South Park politics for the Rick and Morty generation, where picking an actual side is always fucking stupid and you should always strive for a meaningless compromise in order to preserve the status quo.

Genuinely astonishing that this came from the same studio that released Pillars 2 just prior, a game that, for all it's issues, actually had the guts to grab you by the neck and tell you to pick a fucking side, to get some god damn ideology, and actually let you meaningfully change the broken world it presented. That game was the real New Vegas 2 you've all been clamouring for, but no one bought it, so I guess we're stuck with this.

Nothing else to really say because there's basically nothing else in here. An utterly empty and vacuous game that doesn't even manage to surpass Fallout 4. A snake oil salesman promising you a miracle solution to bring back the Fallout you remember, but get past the fancy logo and uncork that bottle, and you'll find nothing in there but dust and echoes.

Although it does look nice visually but I honestly don't like it compared to the original game, it lacks all of the charm that I loved about Abe's Oddysee. It has bad bloom lighting, the controls suck, the cutscenes are not nowhere as interesting and the worst problem is that the meat grinders move way too fast, and it turns out that this is in fact a bug that was never fixed. You gone F***ed up!

good clicker game if you like clicker games you will like this one