It's almost impossible to describe the intensity of the pre- Chain of Memories/KH2 hype era. There was no other game I was looking forward to more than this back in '02/03. However, when KH2 finally released, the experience was anticlimactic at best, if anything because of my own unrealistic expectations. The narrative didn't feel as cohesive, the dialogue felt really stiff, and it just didn't have the same charm.

Make no mistakes though, in terms of gameplay and combat, this is the strongest the franchise has ever been. Never has a Kingdom Hearts game's combat felt as fluid and buttery smooth, and if I were a speedrunner type or someone who didn't place emphasis on a game's narrative, it would have hit harder. It didn't help that the original NA release had an almost nonexistent postgame with any real incentives either.

KH2 Final Mix fixes so many of the original's issues in terms of pacing and content, and while KH1 will always be my favorite installment, this version of the game is much more adequate successor.

Reviewed on Oct 25, 2023
