The performance is rubbish, where the i5-9600k cannot run this game at "High" settings, since it is optimised horribly. Not that "High" settings don't look bad, but still better than the "Low" settings I had to contend with.

Gameplay-wise , it's actually pretty great — you sneak around guards and cameras, you can stack boxes and use your car to jump fences (which is definitely intended). There is one particular property which offers a fairly fun sneaking experience, which can be completely skipped by jumping over a fence with your car, going inside, looting, up to the second-floor balcony, and back over the fence and out of the area.

The different gadgets you get are pretty fun, if barebones — the window knife and the hacker laptop in particular change up the gameplay in major ways — and there is generally enough variety to keep things fresh across the game's twelve-hour runtime.

Overall, the game sucks on the technical side, with the sound propagation system being very unrealistic and jank all around; and it can be rather simplistic. However, I would say that I enjoyed the game quite a lot for what it was. There's nothing quite like tosding an $8000 3D-printer over a fence onto my car and using janky parkour to jump the fence and escape the property.

Reviewed on Aug 10, 2023
