GTA is GTA, and it's always is going to be good there's no question in that. GTA III was the first GTA to go 3D and it really revolutionized the gaming industry. It innovated so much and laid the ground work for what a GTA game can be today. Considering that this game released 23 years ago at this point, it's really amazing that it is still a somewhat fun game to play.

I say somewhat because it did become a chore for me to get through. Not counting the 2D games, I think personally that this is the worst GTA. While I can appreciate what the game achieved in it's time and kickstarted the franchise like we know it, it's a very tedious game to play. The physics that they could achieve at the time are in 2024 frustrating to work with. Outside of the frustrating controls and behavior of cars, the story wasn't that interesting either. So the gameplay isn't that great and the story isn't either. Point being that I didn't really enjoy the whole experience. The problem is that it has really started to age and compared to modern games it is tough to connect with. I don't have a nostalgia factor with this game either.

It just got boring after a while. I finished the story but I did not complete all side activities because I couldn't be bothered anymore.
While I did not fully enjoy this game, I can appreciate what it achieved and I can appreciate the iconic moments that it brought.

Reviewed on May 03, 2024
