An improvement to the first episode. This episode's levels actually feel a bit more open and explorable compared to the previous episode and even what I remember about the main game. On the surface it actually feels a little more like Bioshock, so that's good.

What's bad is they really double down on Infinite's super convoluted story. To me, that was the weakest part of that game, especially its ending, and this looks to put the final bow on Elizabeth's story. But it was just not satisfying AT ALL. It wasn't decent as a conclusion to the Infinite storyline, nor a satisfying prequel story to the events of the first game.

And it almost gets the atmosphere of the first two games right, except there's just not one second of silence to enjoy any meaningful atmosphere because Elizabeth and Booker won't shut the fuck up about tears, realities, the past. And I just got really damn sick of it.

Now Cloud Chamber, would you kindly show us Bioshock 4 already?

Reviewed on Jun 27, 2023
