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1 day

Last played

December 5, 2023

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What if you followed the RPG Maker Horror formula and pushed it even further? This is the answer that Little Goody Two Shoes creates and answers at the same time.

One of the most beautiful games I've ever played, the artwork, cutscenes and pixel art is nothing but precious, the art direction of Little Goody Two Shoes is just magnificent.

Gameplay wise is what you would've expected from the Horror RPG Maker genre, you have environmental puzzles to solve, but it goes even further and those are reserved for the night sections. Meanwhile, during the day sections, you'll have to administrate your resources to control each one of Elise's gauges, while advancing on the story and playing quirky mini games to receive money to invest.

While the game has 10 different endings, you can obtain everything in just 2 playthroughs if you know what you're doing on the second one, since the main decisions to go to one ending or another happen during the last half hour of the game, so it's not too repetitive of a game to obtain everything it has to offer, which is always welcome.