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1 day

Last played

November 11, 2023

Platforms Played


Velocity Noodle has been a blast from start to end, it's a 2-D platformer based on speed and being precise on your jumps, there's not a lot of controls but all the stages feel different enough between them to not feel repetitive.

There's also a free update that includes 32 new hard stages that really try to ramp up the difficulty, even when not going for a time trial run, but they never felt unfair, feeling really rewarded once you beat them.

The game has also one collectable (chopsticks) in each level, a gold trophy for beating stages on a set time, and a heart badge for beating a stage without getting hit, and this is one of the games I would recommend everyone to try to 100%, since I found that, even if there's no real reward from it, it's one of those games that gets even better once you try to master every stage it offers.