Presentation-wise this game knocks it out of the park better than almost anything I've ever played. The characters, story, animations, music, and voice acting are all incredible. I was impressed with new curveballs and twists they were able to introduce in the writing, and it managed to keep me engaged despite knowing the story of the original well.

The combat is also a particular strong point. While it takes a bit to get used to and some aspects of optimal strategy can easily be glossed over due to information overload... when it clicks, it feels great.

The game suffers in pacing and in the more exploratory side-quest sections. Thankfully the side-quest areas are mostly skippable by heading straight towards the main quests, but I wanted to get as close to mastery completion as I could without multiple playthroughs. Many parts of this game were a slog to get through, and I found myself impatiently eager for when the next bombastic fight scene or epic cutscene would come by.

+ Combat
+ Presentation (Animation, Music, Etc.)
+ Charming Cast and Story

- Side-Quests
- Slow Pace, Padded Playtime
- Exploration Areas

Reviewed on Feb 08, 2022
