This was a great continuation from FC. The gameplay in SC is the same as in FC, so I knew what to do with spells and orbment builds, since I know that Crafts aren't favored in the Sky Trilogy. I really liked most if not all of the characters in this game, with the standouts being Estelle, Joshua, and Kevin. Estelle really grew in this game, which was one of things that made FC not all that engaging story wise for me. Joshua is one of, if not my favorite character in this game. I liked him in FC, but his journey in this game from someone who is running away from Estelle, to embracing her was so sweet. Kevin is the new character in this game and he is just amazing. He is both halarious and a badass, he's the biggest reason I am interested in what happens in the next game. The story while it does have pacing problems here and there, Chapter 3 looking at you. It left me itching for more at the end of every chapter. Also the ending of chapter 6 is too cute I can't. If I do have a legitimit critisicm of this game, even with the speed up, I still think that this game can be pretty slow. But Still an amazing game and I am excited to play The 3rd.

Reviewed on May 20, 2024
