I have a weird Relationship with shooters that aren’t Halo. Whenever I play a shooter there will be one point where I will just not play it for a while or not play it at all. Half-Life: Made it to Forget about Freeman and just didn’t have the urge to go back to it. Doom (2016): Played about 3 hours and didn’t have the urge to pick it back up. Halo was the only one that I was able to gravitate towards with its calm orchestrated music and more strategic combat. UltraKill is a shooter that when I learned there was a DMC-like Style Rating I knew I was in for a good time. Each Weapon is fun to use with the Charge shot of the Piercer Revolver, the magnet of the Attractor Nail Gun, and the Ricochet shots with the Marksman Revolver just to name a few. The Control you have with V1 is great with the dash, ground slam, parry, and wall jump making you move like an angel. You have this risk reward mechanic where if you go closer to the enemy and shoot him you can regain health by getting smeared with the enemy's blood. The puzzles, while simple, still give your brain the dopamine to continue, and the story is quite interesting with you going further into hell and all of humanity is dead.

Reviewed on Jan 03, 2023
