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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 18, 2024

Platforms Played


I enjoyed my time with this game, until the bug get the better of me. God the bugs.

I don't know if my game is cursed or it's just that bad, but trying to complete this game is almost impossible without console command and guide.

There are bugs that made the item/enemy I needed for quest not spawn, bugs that doesn't mark the quest as complete even though I did, bugs in the dungeon regarding doors and levers where it prevented me from going further into the dungeon, bugs that make quest not start at all, etc.

And if all that happens on the optional quest, I would be fine. But no, it's on the main quest, I have to force restart a story quest because it refuses to be completed, I have to force start a story quest because it doesn't trigger (even when I did all the thing it needs to trigger), the final dungeon lever/password sometimes doesn't work the first time so I have to turn it off and then on again to open a few doors.

BUT.... I did enjoy this game, I don't know why honestly. Maybe the simplicity of it just appeal to me, I listened to music/audiobook as I hack away and got lost in the dungeon (I will tele2qmarker after I got bored).

And it made me want to check the rest of the series, even though I didn't like Skyrim back when I tried that.