A really great game and with the right duration, in a way that you wouldn't be bored of the simplicity for a long time and the rhythm making it dinamic, counting with the big help from the ar of the game. But unfortunately, the idea of making a game around a so clear message may have turned into an obstacle. The shark that is presented as the thread is solved too fast, with no interaction before, just to become a friendly nature friend, the plot twist don't make sense with the message and that final feels forced as hell, that could be from a 2000's world conscience music clip with Michael Jackson innit. There's no good character in this game, the main don't give any reason to have empathy , maybe in the last third of the game, and have no emotion, different from Journey, that the protagonist show some sad from his/her people. The little useless robots don't let you feel loneliness as you can interact with them, but they don't do nothing important AND GO AWAY, you can't create feeling for them, just let us feel lonely for a bit so when we find some creature we feel happy and relieved. Even with all that said, this is not a bad game, it's beautiful, emotional, have a good rhythm, controls and ambient design, but is far from be a Journey.

Really great, nostalgic and funny game. The response controls are ok, the visual is one of the best in pixel art I've seen, and the combat is a lot funny when you get it. The only issues I see are the bosses, they're not that memorable nor creative, except for the last one, that one is epic and the animation is stunning. This game should have a bigger variability on their scenarios too, like the old beat-em-up game, I can't remember some level that make me thinking about later, some creativity would be good.