You've got a killer track! But every song's gotta end!

Holy 180 turn for Tango Gameworks here. After viewing Microsoft's developer direct that they hosted a couple of days ago, this game was dropped that very same day by the same guys who have done nothing but survival horror games like the Evil Within and Ghostwire Tokyo. The director John Johanas really hit it out of the park with this title of what he quotes, " His dream game." that he had in the back of his mind going all the way back in 2017 when he was still directing the Evil Within 2.

But that's all good and well to have a dream, but how does this dream game play?

Well, Really damn good honestly. Like rhythm heaven meets DMC for a mashup of kicking ass to getting that S rank in the corner while you jam out to the beat in each level.

The soundtrack has to take center stage with this game, and there are very huge hitters with this package. The prodigy, Nine inch Nails, and even Number Girl? Glad to see we get to listen to some Fukuoka jams as well.

Most of the game's tracks are by the composer Shuichi Kobori, who is usually doing the tracks for tango with their Evil Within games, but has also done most of the tracks for Metal Gear Solid 3. He really killed it in setting the tone for each section of a level the player is put in, with the music becoming dynamic as the player moves on from point to point, getting progressively louder and faster.

As always, even the most fun games have to have their faults, and not even this game is without em either. Luckly, they're mostly nitpicks than actual complaints for me.

The platforming sections can feel a bit wonky at times, and I feel a bit slow when airdashing while platforming also. Didn't really mind it that much since most platforming sections were very small distance, but was a little weird for me.

Getting money is also rough in the beginning as you're unlocking all of your moves, but this problem goes away at around the third area with the amount of challenges you end up doing subconsciously.

The story isn't going to be hitting any greatest of all time lists anytime soon, but I'm a sucker for "Sonic Adventure 2" likes where we just team up to defeat the big bad to save the day.

I think that's about it. This game surely was a surprise as of writing this review, it's been only 3 days since the game dropped, and I'm almost finished with a new game plus playthrough. After beating the game, I thought I wouldn't feel the same way going back through it after experiencing all of what it had to offer, but I just beat the first boss again and holy shit I'm in love. I can't stop tapping my foot after each section playing through this.

Wait, this game is only 30$? That's insane. Not to mention it's on day 1 gamepass too? Goddamn.

January hasn't even ended yet and this might be my GOTY. There's still a full year to go, but I'm feeling confident about this pick.

Reviewed on Jan 29, 2023
