What if ninja gaiden was vivisected and remade into a lame port?

Ninja gaiden sigma is everything i despise in a port it understands very little about what makes the original a concise challenging experience but what's make it bad compared to the original? well its quite simple.
sigma instead of choosing to elevate the already excellent and tight foundation of ninja gaiden black instead goes back on its design choices and throws it in the fucking dumpster the game destroys 90% of the bosses alma awakend literally lacks her back hitbox and spirit doku's AI was completely butchered he seems to spasm out whenever he gets close.

The art direction and OST have taken a massive hit as well. tairon went from looking like a vaguely middle eastern village to looking like fucking london lmao the first chapter level is now set in autumn for some strange reason they also removed the waterfall in that area because ?? Tairon under alert also suffers a strange art direction choice as the skybox is bright as hell for some reason in black it was a nice early sunrise look showing the passage of time in a authentic way, and it seems they knew this as the very next chapter has the correct skybox albeit a lot darker.

They somehow managed to fuck up the excellent pacing of black as well for some reason they decided to throw in random Rachel chapters during the game in an extremely awkward manner I'll be brief on Rachel as there's not a ton to say about her (and it seems the developers thought this as they gave her half a move set) but frankly her inclusion here fucking blows Rachel in the story is a joke character one who jobs endlessly to basic bitch enemies and just sort of exists the new chapters don't help with this as the story placement of them is extremely boring and brief much like her character.

The pacing in the ryu levels is also butchered quite a bit in a very strange decision the entire game just lacks puzzles for some unknown reason the only puzzle I noticed left was the monk safe and that was a simple counting puzzle there's no pyramid puzzle nothing its gone for absolutely no reason other then they thought casuals would get filtered by them (they're right).

Now you would think that at the very least the new additions would be very welcome to ninja gaiden right? wrong. The new weapon the dragon claw and tiger fang is an absolute joke of a weapon the recovery on it is extremely poor and it seems like the game doesn't know how to handle it because you end up whiffing a ton of hits for absolutely no reason now this might be a master collection issue (as that port alone has thousands of them) but it seems like it's also in sigma as they fixed nothing about the game in the master collection.

One of the new additions/QOL is also quick heals now you would probably think that this is a welcome change? absolutely not quick heals undermines the entire point of potions and elixirs, They could turn the entire tide of a fight in a single move and you were encouraged to consume them in small amounts as the game barely gave you any and if you consumed them foolheartedly you would have to restock and that would cut into your essence supply that you would be better off spending on weapon upgrades it was a very well designed system and it was a good balancing act but now because the game also gives you an abundance of elixirs (gates of hell literally has a elixir after every room) you end up with more then enough essence to spend on upgrades and occasionally restocking this undermines the entire balancing act.

Also shout out to the composer completely butchering his tracks here they sound way too quiet and lack any punch the original OST had oh and they didn't bother changing the FMV music so you can hear the original alma awakened track before it transitions to that absolute dumpster fire of a remix.

It is absolutely incredible that team ninja even considers this version a replacement for the original two due in no part to them completely losing the masters for black and vanilla and its frankly an insult that this version was even considered acceptable by anyone could itagaki have saved this port? maybe but lets not deal in hypotheticals in the end sigma is an absolute mess and a extreme downgrade from the classic title.

Reviewed on Dec 01, 2021


2 years ago

Based as fuck

2 years ago

Removed by a moderator

7 months ago

Removed by a moderator

7 months ago

that's crazy man

7 months ago

@banzairino also I admire the fact you didn't actually pick apart anything in my review or even attempt to engage with it and just called it lame, Don't have any biases or nitpicks to touch upon no? Just gonna go with age old backlogd zoomer argument of calling it lame? really showed me huh

7 months ago

why bother focusing on the review's points if you yourself started an entire piece of writing calling "lame" the people who appreciate/play this?

6 months ago

@banzairino Because if you had any self-awareness you would realize you could attempt to disprove it by actively attempting to pick apart any of my points but because you're not doing that you're pretty much proving what I said is correct

6 months ago

You posted a one sentence review because you were clearly agitated by my sentiments in the review and also didn't argue why sigma is good at all instead crying that people don't appreciate a shoddy port of an otherwise excellent game if you appreciate the game surely you can articulate that properly no? or do you instead prefer to whine that people aren't bending over backwards for a port that actively broke most of Ninja gaidens systems

6 months ago

This comment was deleted

6 months ago

and no, it doesn't broke anything. the combat is immaculate just as much as it was on the original. the only complaint which I can agree with is the fact that some sections have been slightly simplified. that's it

6 months ago

@banzairino Oh so you can bother focusing on a review points well done (also I'm allowed to write my reviews however i want lol don't be so thin-skinned

1. The art direction isn't the same i don't know how you came to this conclusion the starting area has an entirely different vibe most of the area looks completely different and its very brightly coloured tairon is under the same thing the architecture was completely changed and i fail to see how this being for non xbox owners changes any of this if i point out in my review that an area looks different and i think it looks worse then that has absolutely nothing to do with the point in fact it doesn't even address it at all

2. I have to call into question whether you've played the original or not because there was way more puzzles in black and OG I'll admit my documentation on the matter was rather lacking but its not hard to find that sigma objectively removed a ton of small puzzles and collectable hunts chapter 13 (16 in sigma) for example used to have a short segment after alma awakened where you would have to do a small collectiable hunt for a few tablets to exit the pyramid (also the fact you even thought i was talking about platforming really makes me question if you've even played the original versions lol)

3. Yes that's how reviews work its all subjective i shouldn't have to explain this to you on a fucking review site lol although i don't think you know how this works considering you attempt to make the objective statement that quote " the most majority of players of weren't bothered at all by the new levels" even though i've also seen plenty of majority that would state otherwise
and how does my dislike of the new pacing to the levels make me "Afraid of the smallest changes" if i think the changes are bad then i think they're bad lol black makes a lot of minor and major changes to the original yet i like that game alot surely that must mean i'm afraid of change as you say?

4. See last point about subjectively also no shit this is spoken from the perspective of an OG stan its a port of the original title do you just expect me to throw out any kind of comparisons for a port because it came out on a different console? buddy that's not how that works at all (also where the fuck do i mention swing in volumes i'm hoping that's a typo)

5. If the hitbox on a boss is broken in one version and its not in another i'm absolutely going to point that out the fact you think that pointing out an objective flaw in your view is miserable really says more about the way you view media then it does mine (and yes the broken back hitbox on alma awakened is an objective flaw good luck trying to argue otherwise)

Btw the only one making a fuss here is you i reviewed this game two years ago you're only just now finding it and crying that i didn't like your precious port i was initially going to just call you a crybaby and block you (regretting that considering how all you've done is just whine in my review comments) and for how much you cry about objectivity you sure do make a lot of objectivist statements.

Also I don't take advice from crybabies who police how i should write my review the review was up for 2 years you're the only one offended here buddy lmao

6 months ago

who the hell "policed" anything, buddy? mine wasn't even a proper advice nor a request. also, you want me to believe you started your review with a bait just for poetic-licence purposes? you seem way more outraged than me, since I'm not the one who describes people who simply like a game as "lame", and then proceeds to complain if somebody answer back. I just find all of this hypocritical, that's it.

moreover, in conclusion, I didn't sell anything I said as "objective", not more than you did.

6 months ago

Ah the classic "you're mad i'm not" say again who's the one who left a passive aggressive review up because people were critiquing sigma? and remember that you commented first by leaving a typical backloggd le ebin snarky comment do you honestly expect me to believe in any sort of universe that you weren't obviously agitated enough by what i wrote to leave that comment?
I understand english isn't your first language but surely you are reading your own comments right? because you've gotten so much wrong about your own comments
"mine wasn't even a proper advice nor a request."
You stated multiple times that i shouldn't put in that zinger because it would better showcase my (in your words you really seem to love that word) subjective review " learn a better way to showcase your subjective "statements" on a review." is a fucking request lol stop backpeddling on your own comments

You've also claimed numerous time that you're not policing my review but you've also tried numerous times to deflect my critiques because they're "subjective" maybe policing is too harsh a word sure but attempting to discredit by claiming bias or subjective is insanely stupid on a review site of all things.

Also i love the fact you haven't actually been saying anything worthwhile the entire time you clearly haven't played the original title and you have no idea what you're talking about none of your arguments have held any weight the fact i continue to speak with you is nothing more then entertainment value to me if anything i find the fact you continue to speak as if you've experienced the original hypocritical even if you have some experience with either black or vanilla you clearly remember either nothing or never finished either frankly i don't know which is worse.
@banzairino kinda truing

6 months ago

did you just call me lame? hohoho :startledmetalslime:..... ur lame!!!

6 months ago

"you commented first by leaving a typical backloggd le ebin snarky comment" yeah, because the pinned review on a game isn't even a proper one and it starts out of the blue with an insult - directed to multiple people and without any concrete motivation behind it - (c'mon, now repeat like a parrot that my replies confirmed that, and yada yada yada) and only then by taking into account the flaws etc. you did all of this in good faith and I'm the passive-aggressive one; surely. you're so cool and stoic, not outraged by somebody who's just answering back to your mockeries.
even funnier: "also i love the fact you haven't actually been saying anything worthwhile the entire time" like you did bring some inconfutable piece of evidence, instead. you're also stating how much I've repeated "multiple" times things I've said once: thanks for confirming you're a hypocrite an' of the worst kind.

I'm definitely done here, not gonna reply to anything you're gonna write from now on (seems like there's even been a call for backup too, lmfao). glad you enjoyed this and I gave you "entertainment value"; if anything, it just shows how much of a bait this was.
cheers buddy, I'm going to start my next review with a taunt and then complain if somebody is - rightly - pissed off. bye!

6 months ago

"call for backup" on a backloggd review u gotta go outside asap

6 months ago

Glad you're done here since as entertaining as your mental breakdown was it seems you no longer want to waste my time with your pointless arguments also thanks for playing by continuing to get offended by a lame people comment lol also interesting that you never confirmed or denied if you've even played the original so again thank you for playing by continuing to prove that my funny zinger was apparently too right also yes thank you for confirming you are indeed a passive aggressive loser you really don't have to continue playing this game so well but if you insist although i will take joy in calling you a lame person (Oh and funny you mention "lack of concrete evidence" as if a throwaway insult needed years of peer review research when i just have to read your verbal diarrhea to get all the evidence i need)

And yes you haven't been saying anything worthwhile "insult bad insult bad" isn't anything of worth to me you even wrote up your "points" about what was wrong with the actual things i wrote about the game and none of your points were even researched or valid you took a lot of time to say absolutely nothing and run around in a circle with your head tucked between your legs
I don't see how I'm outraged you responded either I goaded you initially because you were clearly not intent on actually responding to the points and I was curious to see if you were here to get outraged or to respond to a review in retrospect that was a waste of time because it was clear you were intent on continuing to get pissed off
Still don't see how I'm a hypocrite for simply refuting your arguments when all you've been doing is crying and not actually saying anything the entire time its actually impressive

Anyway I don't really care if you respond anymore since it seems you're "done" still going to write this up because i know how much its going to piss you off (thanks for confirming that you were actually outraged by me calling you lame lol) and all i can say to you thinking that the review was a bait is that I'm sorry you think that way

6 months ago

Nah i called the triads to his house he'll be sleeping in the hong kong bay tonight