Log Status






Time Played

0h 54m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

March 9, 2023

First played

March 8, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Basically: Doctor Who Cookie Clicker.

There is no challenge, it's a braindead "make the numbers get bigger quicker" "game". The only appeal I can see here is the references. The art style is nice, in fact too nice for a game such as this. So in reality it feels like a shame.
Supposedly there's a -Story- weaved into all the mindless -Gameplay- but given the dialogue I've seen up to Episode 3 it's easy to assume "story" is a very generous term.
There's the typical modern mobile gaming rubbish, spending real life money (up to £71.99) on in-game garbage. The only true compliment is there's no damn NFTs in this thing like there is in Worlds Apart.
If you want a mindless Cookie Clicker with a Doctor Who skin then go ahead, the only things this game will do is take away your time and storage space.