Resident Evil 3 Remake wants to switch to the action genre, full of battles, explosions, chases and escapes at the last moment. But at the same time he wants to follow the path of the Remake of 2 keeping almost all of its mechanics, generating tension, having exploration and with a greater narrative component.

Treating the game of the eternal fight against Nemesis, I see logical that they intend to make that change in this work.

But the result is a mess in which nothing works.

The only additions that add to the approach of the action are the dodge, which produces some visual pleasure and helps with several enemies, and being able to take the supplies directly with a click without being interrupted by showing them to you, except for the first time.

Everything else is an eternal shock.

The action doesn't work, because of all the cinematic interruptions that occur almost every moment and because most of the spectacular moments consist of moving Jill forward. The game, looking for that approach to action, resorts in such crappy and outdated things (and totally illogical in this case) like red barrels that, surprise, explode and electronic devices that electrocute those who are close to it. It makes me think that the real enemies of Raccoon City are not the zombies, but whoever has decided to fill the city with explosive barrels. Oh, and also boxes that drop ammunition and grenades by hitting them. The strange thing is that the citizens had not killed each other before the events of this game.

The tension does not work, because because of its approach to the spectacular you always have enough ammunition to destroy everything that crosses your path and very powerful weapons.

The exploration does not work, because although it is much shorter than its predecessor, I would say that you visit more places but barely spending a few minutes in each of them. Gone is a place like the 2 police station, which invited you to get to know the place and each room you unlocked felt like a victory. Here you go unnoticed through various corridor scenarios shooting at everything that moves and losing the need to look for supplies in any corner, since you will always be comfortable.

The story doesn't work, simply because it's so generic with flat characters, predictable situations and above all because of that abuse of cinematics.

The narrative that, based on filling the scenarios with notes or reports, absolutely undermines the frenetic pace that the game wants to have, making you have to stop to read them if they want to find out something, although it's never worth it.

Enemies don't work. It doesn't matter if they are classic zombies, 4-meter sewer creatures or species of fast lizards, the method of proceeding is the same. Shoot and kill. End. Aim and shoot with as much ammo as you have and wait for them to drop. Neither involves forming strategies.

Speaking of enemies, Nemesis. The great adversary, which gave its name to the original work.

Like the rest of the elements, it is a great disappointment. The developers want it to create tension, respect and even fear. Just by looking at the game's home screen, where it's all dark and when you press a button it suddenly appears imposing itself, they show their intentions.

But the only thing that this being produces throughout the game is a great sense of ridicule. He appears only when it suits the script, and from the first moment the characters are already making fun of him, losing what little respect he had.

In his first battle Nemesis equips himself with a flamethrower, which he did not carry in his previous appearance and it turns out that the method of defeating him is to shoot that flamethrower and make it explode. If the idiot hadn't had the idea to wear nothing and use only his fists, he would have already won. In the second battle, he equips himself with a missile launcher with a huge laser that turns red when he's going to fire and Jill just has to dodge it then. Very considerate of you to let us know when you're going to shoot, lest we think you want to kill us.

Reviewed on Nov 07, 2021
