This game is so boring. Its not bad like people say. No, its actually quite fun at times. And probably more so with some friends, but god its so dull. What made Borderlands 2 work was that it felt like Handsome Jack (and his VA) were having the times of their lives in the game, it felt like you were just along for the ride whenever he called you and it honestly just felt like they let the Voice Actor just riff his lines (in the best way possible) and it made those quieter moments of the game so much more tolerable. This game does not have that, the twins are fucking so unbelievably boring and just function as a lame twitch streamer joke every time they are on screen or calling you. Jack wasn't just a diamond encrusted one trick Butt Stallion, he was an actual complex character in the broader narrative of the story, seeing him slowly unravel as you get closer to the end. This game just never had that whatsoever.

Reviewed on Aug 11, 2023
