The return to form we've been waiting for. This is a MASSIVE upgrade over Super.

Potentially the most important thing is that you can play this game with a Pro controller. It was absolute hell playing Super with just a single joycon. Your joycon could drift, be uncomfortable as hell, only two people can play unless you buy more of that 70 dollar scam. Seriously I really appreciate the Pro controller support.

This game also doesn't have any gimmicks like MP9 or MP10. It's simply a collection of the first 3 Mario Party's and is really good. It has 5 boards which I'll admit isn't a ton but it's still more than Super. Plus these maps are pretty cool and won't get boring quickly thanks to how well made they are. Minigame selection is also pretty great with there being a ton of them. It's also been optimized well so the minigames are actually fun to play this time around.

In another great move, the game lets you play the board game online instead of just minigames by themselves like Super did. It will also save the game after each turn if you have to go and wanna pick up the game later. This was a surprising but all in all fantastic choice. This is going to be very useful that's for sure.

The only thing I can confidently say that Super does better than this however, is the roster. The roster for this game is pretty bare bones with only the essential characters. This game is rumored to get DLC so I hope that happens so it could not only expand the roster but increase the amount of boards as well.

The hub world isn't important but I just really liked it so I'm gonna mention it. The hub world has a good amount of options. It has your Mario Party, Mt. Minigames (Minigames only), the shop to buy stickers, music, and other Mario Party Legacy stuff which I thought was quite cool. It also lets you play online, offline, or even local which I think was a nice addition to have all their bases covered.

Again, not important but I love this addition, that being the Stickers. Stickers are just little emotes you can use in game or buy from the shop. I just really like the art and thought they were another great addition.

This is a return to form for the Mario Party franchise. It doesn't have any annoying gimmicks, has proper controller support, VERY good online support out the box with consistent connections, and is just a really fun time. If you've been disappointed by the last few games in this series than this is a game you need to pick up. I'm gonna be playing this game for a while. Mario Party is finally back.

Reviewed on Nov 07, 2021
