King's Field McDonalds.

Uncut Fromsoft jank with all the inventiveness and creative energy sucked out of the game with a straw. Acted as a replacement for a personality for an entire generation of exhentai enthusiasts who were too stupid or afraid to shoot up a school. They dropped Kota Hoshino for a soundtrack that goes out of its way to be harmless and inoffensive. Even when you get people who call this game their "favorite" (in the same cadence that you would hear a pre-teen say that their favorite movie is The Godfather), the conversation quickly turns into a diatribe of how agonizing the level design is or their preference for other games in this subgenre. A lot of this comes down an inept and confused vision of how the game's supposed to be played. The game attempts to give you freedom by divorcing your ability to clear the individual areas from what you've obtained in your journey. The levels themselves don't really play into this, as while you "can" clear difficult sections out of order or without the intended strategy, it makes the game more of a chore to play. It also means your skillset is horribly limited, and new gear feels more like clutter than something you care about picking up. The game's take on dark fantasy is played straight, with their most bold perversion of the setting being "we're going to throw names in from Berserk in the same way Lost named all of their characters after a list of philosophers they found on 2005 wikipedia".

The best thing you can say about this game is that it kept people employed. Sure as hell never getting another Thousand Land after this.

Reviewed on Aug 06, 2022
