Fantastic atmosphere wasted on ill-considered romance and tired suicide tropes. In the final third of the game, the focus shifts from folklore-heavy political horror to individualistic teenage revenge, making the game as a whole feel much smaller and less significant than it initially seemed. Both endings are bad, but the casual equivocation of pedophilia with communism leaves a particularly bad taste. I've heard Devotion is better but I'm not itching to play it after this.

Reviewed on Aug 01, 2022


1 year ago

I read your review before playing the game and I was interested to see the casual equivocation of pedophilia with communism, but I didn't find it as I was playing! What did you mean by that?
In the true ending the counselor has a monologue before getting arrested about how "the world wasn't ready for our love" and "I hope for a world where people can be free to live and love." The framing and music paint it as a martyr send off that flattens his relationship with Ray with being arrested for communist organizing. It's messy and a small part of the full game, but I think it speaks to the unsophisticated politics of the game and the uncritical presentation of Ray and the counselors relationship (which the plot pivots around).