Santa Monica not wanting to make the Norse saga a trilogy is definitely felt in this game. It suffers from some pretty glaring pacing issues story wise, and your companion refusing to shut the fuck up when doing a puzzle are probably the only two issues I had with this game.

I prefer 2018 over this due to the tightness and clear end goal set up right from the beginning of that game but this is still a great sequel to a nearly perfect game. The added enemy types greatly improve upon the combat and I do love Kratos redemption arc started in the previous game coming full circle. The environments and openness to combat arenas are great and Kratos becoming more of an outspoken Hero feels like one of the most well written character arcs in gaming. I love this game so much and the Valhalla DLC (which i'll probably review separately) takes all of the great parts of Ragnarok and trims out the fat. Santa Monica has a fan in me for life.

This could've been one of the best shooters ever if they fixed any of the numerous issues that existed since day 1. The gameplay looped only kept me engaged for so long. I still play here and there but I don't think itll ever get back into my lineup of consistently played games.

all time JRPG with fantastic combat (albeit a little too easy) and fun as hell social sim mechanics. I'm a big fan of JRPG minigames and other non combat focused mechanics to help break up pacing with how long these games are and the Social sim mechanics are just as fun as the combat for me. Nearly a perfect game apart from some minor nitpicks.

One of my favourite games of all time. Great story of redemption and father son relationship and trying to teach your kids to be better than you were, with probably my favourite action combat in any game so far.

Will replay this until I die.

10/10 Story with 6/10 gameplay

God these maps were god awful. Could not stand them.

Mid game. No idea why I bought the DLC.

Good mini games TERRIBLE boards.

This game should've came out in 2020