If you're a fan of Kirby's Star Stacker on Game Boy or being a nerd about how the Masked Dedede theme actually debuted in this game against Generic Unfair Puzzle game Final Boss #7000, this is the game for you.

Admittedly, I like Star Stacker well enough. It's like Puyo Puyo but a bit simpler for my smooth brain to look somewhat competent playing. The Dream Land 3 aesthetic is a nice touch as well.

If you've got a Japanese Switch account to get the online app with or perhaps some other dark forbidden method of finding old Super Famicom games (for the record, i definitely mean eBay), this is an interesting novelty. There's not a whole lot to it beyond an alright puzzle game, so I guess it going down as a trivia note in one of the franchise's songs is understandable.

This original version of the song doesnt even go that hard, not gonna lie

Reviewed on Aug 15, 2022
