Pikmin is beloved for a reason: its a timeless nintendo classic, able to express so much charm and wonder in a lot of its aspects.

But most importantly, Pikmin 2 is a game that... betrays you. It gives you multpile times a high sense of security, only to crush your hopes with an unexpected danger that will make you paranoid for the rest of the adventure. Feeling like the road is clear? Too bad, here's a spider with an exploding head that come sat you while a boulder falls from the sky.

Remember that enemy that felt really easy? She is back with an army of bloodlust fetuses that will not hesitate at destroy you.
Remember the enemies that only appear only in the toughest dungeons? They are outside your house now: have fun!

Feel like the caves are too easy and repetitive? Here's a castle in the middle of the lake.... don't worry about it, just jump in.

The amount of shocking and even horrific moments Pikmin 2 for me are able to outshine the flaws the game have in terms of gameplay, and mixes with a sense of discovery and wonder that leads to one of the most interesting experiences in a Nintendo title. An high recommendation for me.

Reviewed on Apr 15, 2024
