I never played portal 1 but I remember trying Portal 2 years ago, completing it and thinking it was a good time. Just the other day, I decided to give it back a shot and..... OMG I have no idea what I was missing.
When it comes to videogames that are considered "perfect" by the masses, most of the time that definition can feel kind of overused: most title that a lotta people consider perfect are not my perspnal cup of tea.

Not in this case: Portal 2 deserves all of the praises it gets.
It starts without wasting your time, presenting an experience that perfectly mixes creative puzzle solving with physics that feel revolutionary to this day.
Glados, Wjeatley and any other minor NPC have such and amazing writing that you will warm up to them in no time, and a stpry that is able to narrative of a dystopic dark reality while also being extremely goody and enjoyable. You want to stay tp see what these frealy machines will say to you, or how the facility that kept Chell slowly unwraps its own secrets.

It's an amazong game that doesn't stop there: other than the campaign you got a fantastic coop mode (the little I played of it was enough to male it feel fantastic) that links to the main story, and one of the best level creation ever made.
The game is not that long, mostly slowed dpwn by some pf the tougher pizzles, but every second of this experience is enjoyable and absplitely worth it.

Portal 2 is a masterpiece. Everyone should give a shot to this one.

Reviewed on May 06, 2024
