This review is for the single player story only
The music and sound design is really great, gives the game such a cool ambience.

I <3 the companion cube

The voice acting is top notch, although the dialogue can be a bit much sometimes, usually it's hilarious

It was cool to see the underbelly of Aperture Laboratories

The moon goes crazy

I'm not sure why but I was having some performance issues on a few of the levels.

I found some of the levels requiring you to look through one specific spot in a grate and firing a portal through it in order to advance bad game design. It's not exactly clear where you need to go, I'd look up a guide and just shake my head when I realized I just had to shoot a portal through a grate. Maybe I'm wrong but this doesn't make something a difficult puzzle, just a test of your eyesight if you see that it just so happens to be possible to shoot a portal through a seemingly innocuous grate.

Overall, Portal 2 is a great sequel that expands on what made the original Portal so great. Interesting additions to the lore, new mechanics, new puzzles, a co-operative mode, what's not to like? I will definitely be coming back to this to complete the co-op story and other levels at some point in the future.

Reviewed on Apr 01, 2024
