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Checkpoints are way too far apart

I know I'm beating a dead horse but the Mako really does suck to drive

Biotic abilities are dope

Why is there no way to skip certain dialogue cutscenes? In the first Saren fight on Virmire I lost, now I respawn and have to redo the entire cutscene every time? I'm having Elden Ring flashbacks except this is 10,000 times worse than that. There should be an autosave at the beginning of the boss fight, and if not that, at least the option of saving. There's literally nothing you can do except have the same dialogue every single time if you lose the fight.Like I have to kill all the enemies before Saren spawns, then do an unskippable dialogue cutscene with Saren that lasts several minutes, and then if I lose do that all again every single time? Why???

That being said, the narrative is really good. However, the dialogue choices are mediocre at best. Also, why does my character not say what dialogue selection I make? Sometimes I make a selection and Shep will just say something completely different, the game is really cool about having it so that the choices that you do make matter and they carry on to future games

Some of the cutscenes are legit movie tier

Reviewed on Apr 14, 2024
