Visuals are out of this world, bluepoint did an incredible job. The game is short as hell, took me 13 hours to finish and I was exploring thoroughly. Bosses are also quite boring, nothing crazy with only storm king, old king alant and Penetrator standing out. Everything is just good, which makes sense of course since this definitely feels like the groundwork for what would become Dark Souls.
Also the dragonbone smasher is one of the most satisfying weapons I've ever used. The sound design of the game, paired with the dual sense controller add a new weight and savagery to an Ultra Greatsword

Reviewed on Feb 23, 2024


2 months ago

fellow Dragonbone smasher enjoyer i see, my god is the sound design for it cathartic. I also really liked how following it’s upgrade path forces you to engage with the world tendency system, as if i had been using anything else I never would have seen all the cool shit it changes.

2 months ago
