I am genuinely unsure why people love Half-Life so much. Is it nostalgia? Is it its advancements in gaming at the time? Certainly, the gameplay is not quite it, and although the story is pretty interesting, the game has a poor way of showing what it is about exactly.

To me, Half-Life is one of those games that have aged pretty poorly, just like Majora's Mask and the first Portal game. Not that fun to play, but fun to read about online.

Reviewed on Feb 15, 2024


2 months ago

From what I can tell, the way the narrative was told is what made Half-Life stand out. The story itself isn’t mind-blowing, but the lack of cutscenes ensured the player was in control for nearly the whole game. I found that very immersive despite the game’s rough spots.

2 months ago

@EldestBrisingr I see, that’s something that hadn’t occurred to me yet. I’m indifferent on this aspect, but I can see why people would prefer this over cutscenes in a game like this.

2 months ago

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2 months ago

what makes portal 1 poorly aged in your mind?

2 months ago

I can maybe see why someone would think MM and HL is aged, but Portal 1? How come?

2 months ago

@Seth and @HelmetKruger I thought the first Portal game felt quite janky, especially the portal challenges that required you to use a limited amount of steps to complete a chamber, as well as its auto-save mechanics. In addition, I thought it was kind of...boring? I played Portal 2 first, which made Portal 1 feel a lot more dull.