i cant rate this beyond 3.5 stars because I think while it is a pretty good mario game. It's also got some wild ass things locking you out of fully completing everything in it, and I honestly didnt find any remixes to be memorable.

i also ended up going from thinking "wow this is kinda piss easy and mindless" to "woah this actually has picked up quite a bit, even making use of the 3D in a fun way" and then i came around to thinking that this really is one of the coolest mario games

It's not my FAVORITE no no, it's just a genuinely good game. I genuinely could see myself dumping hours and hours into this if this was the only game i had for the 3DS back when it was new.

This game is also kind of weird in the fact that it's the first and Only attempt at doing the classic 2d mario formula set-up... but in 3D
like, ok so super mario 64/galaxy/odyssey/sunshine
those are all Very different from how 2D mario is structured but 3D World adopts the whole "fake bowsers with the toads inside the castle, run and hit the switch to dump the bastard in lava" thing.. while ALSO having collectibles and expanding upon that

It's such a SIMPLE game... but it's execution ha- god damn it im giving it a 4/5
i can even see myself running back in sometime soon to do the "post-game" content :)

Reviewed on Jul 01, 2022
