The Finals 2023

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Its Battlefield turned into an Arena/class based shooter and it works really well. I was enjoying my time with the closed beta a lot.

It feels like the developers took all the best bits of the last decade of shooters and put them all together into a game.

Running away and reviving teammates is Apex esque whilst the team fights feel like Overwatch 1 back in the day with a brawly nature that centers around moving your heavy about the map and keeping them alive.

It does have its problems though. Gunplay is fine, but it's lacking responsiveness at times. You can get deleted in this game if you aren't careful and it feels like this can happen a lot even as the heavy with the most health.

The environmental design around bottomless pits is also problematic. In too many fights will you see someone jump to their death because these areas aren't clearly signposted in a gameplay kind of way. Caution tape over these gaps might help identification on the fly.

Controversially the game might also benefit from a role queue system. There are too people wanting to play the light because it has the best traversal in what are relatively big maps.

Competitive play focuses around the utility that each class brings and a team that is lacking that utility isn't fun to be on.

Lastly, flame throwers are too strong. They go through shields and because it is CC (crowd control) it also has a high dps potential split over a whole team. It needs legitimate counter play up close.

Overall the game has the foundation of a really good competitive shooter but I fear it wont reach and maintain the mainstream appeal it will need to be successful.