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Considering it followed such a good game, this is awful.

Every level is crammed full of human enemies that just waste resources. Shooting is so underdeveloped yet so heavily relied on as a way to progress the game that it is just painful, boring and annoying.

So many levels aren't even based inside tombs or anywhere of archaeological importance. The first level is like a partial castle and then it just reverts to being inside structures or canals etc. It just isn't fun to play.

Like why are we going to an underground submarine base? Why are there no pyramids in like the first 10 levels?

The idea that you have to wait until 9/10 levels in for it to get good is just criminal and I refuse to slog through such a bad opener to get "to the good bit".

Tomb Raider 1 was straight banger after banger of a level and considering this came out a year later the contrast between the two is astounding.

This is such an obvious cash grab to cash in on the success of TR1 that I'm perplexed that anyone thinks this is the best of the original trilogy.

You may have fond memories of locking the butler in the fridge, but this game is rubbish.

The only redeeming quality is that even with the crappy locations, they still managed to sprinkle glimpses of that original tomb raider level design in.

The two stars are pretty much for that alone and its beyond generous.

Shelved for now and will consider a rereview if I can ever be bothered to slog through it.

Edit: I checked the level list, maybe 5 can be considered actual tombs etc out of 18. Game is getting abandoned.