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This is the perfect example of a game that you are happy to receive for free as part of a monthly free games or in a bundle but isn't something you want to pay for with your own money. £12 is just too steep for what this game is.

The game is incredibly short, i.e complete in 2 hours or less short, but length isn't necessarily an indicator of quality. The main drawback this game has is that I fear it's humour, art style and some of the music would be downright annoying if you were exposed to it for too long.

The game is heavily referential of gamer culture in general and can come off as cringe and try hard at times especially with its jokes. It's almost like it was written to be intentionally bad to be ironically funny.

Boss fights are fine considering the limited amount of mechanics on offer but the games real shortcoming is that it is just go here, hit this thing with sword, bring me back its drop and do it again.

This is kind of OK if you get the game for free, but if I paid the £12 I would be furious.

There are a few 100% completionist extras in game but I couldn't be bothered to find the last couple of documents to see these additional areas. I doubt there is anything that is going to drastically add or remove stars in there so it doesn't really matter.

Stars are purely for that one sound track that was amazing and the world building. Talking vegetables rambling about taxes and the IRS is quite unique.

Full price, game is 1 star.
For free, game is 2.5 stars as it has potential to be a bigger and more content rich game that could address some of the short comings.