Alright, I am going to dock half a star right off the bat for writing / story. The concept is interesting and is reinforced with the gameplay mechanics however, the story is impossible to follow. Anyone who says they understood it without watching an explanation is lying.

The exposition dump at the end is Metal-Gear esque (no surprise) and just isn't warranted. Not because it isn't functional, but I just couldn't be bothered to take it in.

Moving on, the gameplay is really the crux of the experience. For a survival show binge watching enthusiast such as myself, it feels so rewarding to climb mountains, traverse ropes, alter the terrain and contribute to the overall meta game of helping every other player.

The game is commonly memed as only fetch quests and although this may be technically true , it's far from it. The thing that makes fetch quests rubbish in other games is that they are inconveniences, in this game it's actually a difficult and meaningful undertaking.

The way the games systems intricately weave together to produce a real world that your agency has lasting repercussions on is amazing.

The game is a grind but if you have been playing with the end game in mind, it's significantly more tolerable.

This really is a marmite game, it's either going to become addicting or you'll never play it again.

I got the platinum for it and I have less than 5.

Reviewed on Oct 27, 2022
