So 3.5 stars… whilst I recognise that this score is an outlier I think it’s fully justified. Nintendo games have always been good, but they have also constantly been protected by hardcore fans who refuse to acknowledge their shortcomings.

The game feels good to play, but it isn’t the gold standard best game ever that people make it out to be.

Puzzles and general traversal are great but I can’t overlook how simplistic combat is, weapon breakage is just annoying and disincentivises using your best equipment for fear it wont be there when you really need it.

We are also still doing the climb the tall tower to scan the map deal which is a tired trope in gaming as a whole.

I never played any other Zelda game and therefore this is my first exposure to Link vs Gannon. As a result, the story is rather meaningless to me. Yes Gannon is trying to destroy/take over the world, but thats it?

I do intend to come back and finish this game one day, and may even adjust my rating accordingly but at the moment it’s staying in the backlog.

Reviewed on Oct 29, 2022
