Fantastic story, great acting and impactful cutscenes the game is playable for these alone and on story alone this would get a 5 stars. Having said that, this game is stuck between deciding to be an action game, survival horror or a story driven game and as a result it sacrifices the first two in favour of the third whilst still leaving their remnants in the game.

The game only real instils the fear of dying into you if you play it on it's harder difficulty settings, remove the HUD and play the game more like a controllable movie.

Shooting has an unforgivable level of jank for this game on release especially being towards the end of the consoles life cycle.

Once again, it's only really a good game (still not trashing the story here but rather the mechanics etc) if you play it on its most intense difficulty mode without the crutch of wall hacks from the listen mode.

100% worth a play for the story and narrative experience, but not the revolution in gaming that people claimed it to be.

Reviewed on Jan 18, 2023
