In "BLACK", you get a gun and can shoot people. Instead of seeing your character from behind or above, you see through their eyes, in a "first-person" perspective. A key feature this title is interactivity - for the first time, gamers will be able to press L1 instead of simply pressing Right Click to zoom in and out.

I'll admit to going into this a feeling little hopeful. The general consensus for nearly two decades now is that it was a pretty solid console fps, and I was eager to see how well Criterion managed the break away from their signature dish of highly destructive vehicular combat.
If any facet of Black whatsoever were even a little impressive, it's that they managed to create some surprisingly destructive environments for gen 6 hardware to chug away at. Enough smoke and particle effects to satiate a PS5 owner. The rest is just wretched lol. Character engagement feels like exploring the deep sea w/ these controls, input delay and general poor performance, and the levels themselves are about as disinterestedly laid out as possible despite being made of spit and paper. In no way surprised to learn that the connective story tissue in the form of grotesquely over-edited fmvs between levels was a last-minute addition. Interestingly the initial idea for relating the plot in-game was to have a radio-play-style voiceover spoken over a 'black'(oooh my god 😍😍) screen - would probably have been a little more interesting, but this is tedious enough as is. Let me drift a corner and wrap my car around a streetlamp or I'll just play Timesplitters instead.

Reviewed on Jan 30, 2022


2 years ago

it look good doe