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I think Ghostwire is neat. Its a game that falls flat in many ways but its world is so gorgeously detailed and well rendered that I hardly need an excuse to spend time in it. I love running through the streets and over the rooftops of a haunted Tokyo forever locked in a moody rainstorm. Im glad the Spiders Thread update/dlc exists because it gives me an excuse to come back and soak in the atmosphere a little longer.

The new content that makes up this update is interesting as it serves simultaneously as more of the same, an evolution of the original games potential, and an magnifying glass to highlight all of the games existing flaws. There is a small new area with a questline that serves as the most in depth sidequest the game has to offer. Its fun and decently spooky even if theres. nothing here that ghostwires horror contemporaries havent already done better. There are 3 new enemy types which range from cool to annoying. I love the mermaids who swim through the pavement and keep you constantly checking all your angles. I dont love the hovery guys who are hard to hit and love to fly around in places out of your reach. The new combat abilities are mildly interesting but struggle to find a home in combat encounters that were designed before they existed. The exception here is the dodge which is such a no brainer inclusion i cant imagine how they skipped it the first time.

The meat of the update is the new Spiders Thread mode. This is a run based rougelike inspired mode where you will tackle increasingly difficult levels of a sort of dungeon set in the ethereal otherworldy spaces that played heavily into the games launch trailers but ultimately dont show up too often in the main game. The problems with this mode are esentially all the problems that existed in the base game. Ghostwire is a game in which all of your abilities feel terrible until you max your skill tree, at which point you will finally feel base level competent and wonder why the game didnt just start you at this power level. Spiders Thread exacerbates this by resetting all your abilities to 0 and making you unlock them again. There was an opportunity here to throw lots of wild game breaking modifiers on top of the end game powers to make things new and exciting, but the opportunity is passed over. On the positive side the new abilities like a stealth zipline takedown and ground pound have alot more room to shine in combat arenas designed with them in mind. The spiders thread arenas also get to lean more into the otherworldly architecture and spacial design that I desperately wanted more of in the original game. It doesnt go as hard as i would like but ive only seen about half the floors, so things may get wilder as you progress. Oh you also get to hang out with a big magical cat and rescue strays.

Ultimately, its a decent enough mode and its cool to see how the developers restructured the game in a new way. The entire update is meaty, with lots of new elements to dig into. Its very generous to release this all for no cost. Theres lots here that i wont be experiencing (two new sets of collectibles are just not worth my time) but i think someone playing the game for the first time will have a much more accessible and fully realized experience. This is definitely the “definitive Ghostwire experience”.