Before starting this review if you're planning on grabbing this game don't get the switch version unless you have no other option. While the switch port is totally playable, you're going to have an objectively better experience on Playstation or PC where the game won't drop frames nearly as frequently. With that said I grabbed this game purely on a whim after seeing a clip from linus tech tips briefly describing the game and showing some gameplay. In that first playthrough I got to the second dungeon's midboss and ended up setting it down for about a year before grabbing it again on switch, which was really where the game got its hooks into me.

This game is an ARPG with an art style inspired by the greats of the SNES and PS1 era like Chrono Trigger and the Mana series. The gameplay combines oldschool Zelda-like dungeons and puzzle solving with a combat system as flashy and fluid as Devil May Cry, making for a fantastic time if you're a fan of either playstyle. The story and character writing are among the best that I've experienced from an indie title and really help to immerse the player in the world with plenty of twists and turns to keep you engaged. Up until very recently this game was my favorite of all time, and it's still a very close second. I urge you to at least give the game a try for a few hours and see if it's a game for you, because I assure you that it's well worth it.

Reviewed on Jun 16, 2023
