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Beexact reviewed Monster Prom
My friend Kate got me this game (Wooooooo! Kate!); and me being the silly friend that I am, I did not play it for a guilt-inducing amount of time. It looks like a really really cool game that I meant to get to; so I picked it up and saw what it was about.

Brief Description

This game is a visual novel dating sim, but heavily uses skill level up mechanics from games like Princess Maker and Long Live the Queen. There are two cycles in the game-- being free periods (where you can choose where to go in the school to level up a skill) and lunch (where you can choose what table to sit at and mingle with certain monsters). There are also items that you can buy to trigger certain events or to boost your stats. I love these types of games, as every dialogue option has a consequence/benefit attached to it, and its usually super fun reading the scenarios. Going through each cycle on a day to day basis, you slowly inch towards prom.

It has two modes. One is a short run which is estimated to be around 30 minutes, the other is a long run which is estimated to be an hour. The difference between them is the amount of cycles till prom and requirements to woo a monster in the game.

-THIS GAME IS CO-OP??? THAT'S SO COOL!! It even has online capabilities.
-This game has SO much content. It tells you after each run how many events and endings you have completed.
-The writing is super charming and entertaining to read.
-Not too difficult of a game-- super casual playthroughs.
-Everything is super well put together-- extremely optimized and good to look at. Love the character designs, sound effects, ui, etc!

-I wish that when you get rejected, it still showed you going to prom alone. It was an abrupt ending for me the first time, because it just goes to the stats screen after that happens.
-Maybe this game COULD benefit from voice acting, but only if it is done right I think. However, characters being voiced would probably lengthen the game's time of one playthrough-- which is probably not what they are going for when you take into account a playthrough is usually one sitting (and the fact that this game wants you to do multiple runs)
-I thought prom/endgame would be a bigger part of the whole thing. It surprised me that the characters do not mention prom until late in the run and when it happens its not a big thing-- as indicated in the name.

Loved it. Played it, and put the DLC and all the other games on my wishlist :) Will hopefully come back around to it soon to do more of it. Playthroughs do not take long so I probably will.

13 days ago

Beexact completed Monster Prom

13 days ago

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