I suck at platformers, but they are very fun. With that being said, I had fun playing this with friends (who are good at these types of games). I was carried 100%, but this experience has peaked my interest in replaying and completing more content of the game that we have not finished.

Brief Description
Cuphead is a very hard platformer. It can be played either in singleplayer or in coop, but I imagine it is funner and more intended for coop play. You control Cuphead and Mugman, who are trying to break their deal with the devil. There are three main regions with a mix of stages. There are run and gun stages (which help you get coins to buy items in the shop), mosoleums (where you unlock supers/ultimates), and the main aspect of the game, which are boss fights (beating all in a region allows you to progress the game).

-Everything about the art design and style of the game is fabulous. It is unique, and as my friend put it, a homage to old timey vintage American cartoons. The UI, character designs, animations, sound design, and overall look of the game is an S++ from me.
-The level design is really fun. I have no expert level critiques to say other than they are all unique and it is really satisfying to get farther and farther with each attempt at a level until you complete the stage.
-I love the overall juxtaposition of the cheerful design of the characters in the game with the dark undertones of the fights and the plot of the game. The sentiment of "Don't make a deal with the devil." is in it of itself really damn cool.
-I think they make it very playable for casual players considering that there is an easy mode. I have not tried it because my friend carried me, but I like that it opens to a broader audience with that.
-The variety of weapons and items that really make it fun to play the game how you want. You can beat stages in a variety of ways to challenge yourself.
-Mechanically the game is fun. The movement is fluid and the parry/dash system is fun.

-I am not going to lie-- I cannot think if a single valid con. I guess it can suck if you hate repeating levels over and over and are not particularly good at platformers, but the difficulty is a main attraction of the game because you can feel yourself getting better throughout the boss fight as you remember it's attack patterns. So, in my head, that is a plus. But I can understand the thing that this might drive people away, as I felt demotivated after I lost to a level like 50 times.

I definitely will go back to this game to try to do better at the levels and also complete the content we have not finished in the hopefully near future. It is extremely fun and I reckon that everyone should give it a try!

Reviewed on May 12, 2024

1 Comment

26 days ago

I do not agree with you.