Argued as one of the best written games of all time, Last of Us shocked the gaming world when it dropped in 2013. I didn't get the chance to play it until I got a PS4, so this review is based on the Original remastered version (not the new remastered version, Niel Druckmann you fuck).

This story is pretty good; I won't sing its praises like most people do, but I also won't pretend it's horrible. Joel, Ellie, and a fair amount (but not all) of the side characters have very very interesting and deep writing to them, and they really stand out compared to other iconic zombie apocalypse characters, like Lee and Frank West. The bond that Joel and Ellie have is seriously great and probably my favorite part. The best part is that this game lets its protagonist do bad things (a sin according to twitter) and the ending makes you really think on Joel & his actions; however, I wouldn't argue its as impactful as people make it out to be. It's a very morally grey ending but I can't say its superb quality writing or that it's something im gonna be thinking about the rest of my life, like Outer Wilds or Disco Elysium. Maybe at a surface level it could reach those heights.

Gameplay is pretty standard for a Sony video game, third person action with slow-ish combat and stealth mechanics, but since its an apocalypse and the infected here are actually way more dangerous than zombies, I think i'm willing to let it slide. It's fairly servicible for what it is, but don't expect it to be the best part of the game. Graphics hold up fairly well for a remastered version of a decade old game, and the soundtrack is pretty good too. Voice acting is superb all around.

I would go in expecting a VERY good video game, but not one that would top your all time charts, unless you're a zombie apocalypse fanatic. This game feels like it was warranting 10/10s when it came out, but a decade later, with two more versions of this game and two other versions of a much WORSE game, maybe not as much. Get this over the shiny new $70 remaster of a remaster of a decade old game if you can.

Also fuck you Niel Druckmann.

Reviewed on Jan 16, 2024
