While I found myself getting ocassionally annoyed with the fixed camera during platforming, chases and combat, Little Nightmares 2 is the perfect Halloween game. It's not obsessed with trying to make you scared, but instead celebrating the time of your life where you were much more easily terrified.

While I was underwhelmed by the Switch resolution and performance of the first game, playing the second on PS5 really helped me appreciate how good this game looks. The visual design is just fantastic, from the cinematic sprawl of the city to the claustrophobic corridors of the school and hospital. The puzzles were never too tough to figure out, but not braindead simple every time.

The game's only real flaw is the combat, which is super delayed and clunky in a game where one hit equals death. Luckily its rare and very checkpoint heavy, but it did have me annoyed multiple times. Same goes for the frequent chase scenes where getting caught on the edge of a door frame means death, which is always anti-climactic since poor depth perception and a camera that sometimes is late to the party make it feel unfair.

Nitpicks aside, it's a high quality, well paced horror game that feels like the logical next step of Limbo and Inside. This game also made me retroactively like the first one more, which is a sign of a good sequel. Also, screw Bandai Namco for making a third one after the creators decided they were done.

Reviewed on Oct 30, 2023
