Honestly, Pepper Grinder feels like the most middle of the road modern indie game ever. It's never BAD in its 2 hour run time, but it never feels much deeper than a game jam project. The main flaw is the lack of depth in the central mechanic, but the bland pixel aesthetic and basic level design certainly don't help.

Drilling feels great, but its not really a mechanic that leads itself to any challenging platforming or combat sections, its just not interesting enough to be the central focus of the game.

While the gamefeel is strong, and it really feels like all of the effort went to making Pepper Grinder fun to control, the rest of the game just can't make up for it. There's no interesting levels that stood out, the bosses really stunk aside from the third one (where you basically fight yourself), and the difficulty was generally low but super uneven. I can't see myself replaying this one unfortunately.

Reviewed on May 14, 2024
