Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon is a fun idea, making a quick and easy budget PSN title using old assets in a new setting, but unless this type of 80s nostalgia bull shit gets you rock hard, its a pretty bad Far Cry game. The villain sucks, the open world is tiny, bland and empty, the side content is laughable with 2 mission types that last 3 minutes.

The only really funny part of the game is the tutorial parody, and even then, its not like, audible laugh level of funny. Just a lot of copious swearing and stupid one liners. Far Cry 3's horrifically unsatisfying combat with no feedback also isnt a good match for this "badass" action movie simulator. Match that with the focus on stealth and this game's setting and gameplay are a total mismatch.

I can't really recommend Blood Dragon to anyone, except to mid 20s nerds in 2013 who love Comic Con and the Nostalgia Critic.

Reviewed on May 24, 2024
