The campaign was an entertaining 8 hour adventure that justified the game alone. The dialogue is below saturday morning cartoon, but eeeh it doesnt ruin it at all. Its almost charming.

My only gripes were the inconsistent difficulty (the final boss is just clumsy, and the bonus challenge is nearly 20 minutes long), and the complete lack of offline content.

Let me play against bots? The playerbase is mostly kids so I'm not worried about them being dumb. For a portable system, this game is essentially a dud without internet.

Although, its a great campaign, solid multiplayer and generally content dense for a modern Nintendo multiplayer game. So I think its a must own for Switch owners, unless you played Splatoon 1 or 2 to death, because this is essentially a CoD sequel, but without even a gameplay shift. (I would LOVE a retro WW2 military style for Splatoon 4 to shake it up.)

Reviewed on Sep 19, 2022
