An interesting but repetitive dungeon crawler designed around a central concept of mixing and matching a bunch of passive and active abilities from a variety of forms. Its like deckbuilding but in a hack and slash environment.

The main loop here is grinding. But rewards are plentiful and goals are always achieveable quickly. This makes for a fun 12 hours easily broken to 30 minute sessions.

The main problem that keeps it from being higher is how repetitive it is. Some abilities and characters just arent fun to use or effective, new forms have to be repeatedly thrown into dungeons while weak to grind early level quests, which is always boring. Not helping things is how basically every dungeon is the same thing with a different skin. 3 floors of random rooms with like 2 types of traps but mostly just empty. Theres like 50 to do, and it never changes up.

Nobody Saves the World is a good game to play for 20 minutes before work or on a commute. But buckling down for a multi hour session will burn you out quick on repetition and tedious busywork. Its not bad or impressive.

Final note: this is mostly irrelevant because dialogue is uncommon and text only, but god this game is unfunny. Not one joke made me smile, theyre like anti-jokes. Like, its clearly going for a goofy tone but theres just not any bite to anything. It made me think of a future where any edgy comedy (not 4Chan edgy, stand-up style) is frowned upon, and all you can do is make confusing non sequitors to avoid any controversy. Im sorry Drinkbox, please dont attack me for critcising your writing with the Totally Hilarious Overly Specifically Named Weapon of Unknown Origin! (Did that make you laugh?)

Reviewed on Oct 05, 2022
