A truly great semi-modernized remake, and an example of a remake done right, Destroy All Humans 2 Reprobed is retro in its sensibilities, and knows it's a AA game.

The art style here is great. Rather than go for realism like the original, Reprobed goes full on cartoon. The environments and lighting for this 30 dollar budget remake are fantastic. The character models are more hit or miss, but its more a question of if you hate caricatures.

The story isnt the best, essentially just an excuse to let Crypto travel the world and hit on his designated Bond girl, but the twist at the end is totally unexpected, and underexplored, but pretty funny.

But the important part of the game, Destroying All Humans, is just fun. Flinging them around, burning them or pulling their brain out via anal probe makes up most of the objectives, and for good reason because it didn't get old by the end.

At 15 hours to 100%, there's not a ton of stuff here, and the side missions are even a little stuffed with filler, but at a budget price, you can't go wrong. I recommend this to anyone who either liked the original, or just wants some schlocky but good looking B-tier sandbox action.

Also worth noting, aside from some strange crash when grabbing pointless post game collectibles, I had no performance issues or bugs on PS5. So that's just my experience.

Reviewed on Feb 06, 2023
