Western RPGs Ranked

Just a place for me to rank all the Western RPGs I've beaten!

94/100: Okay so as a mega Fallout fanboy, I LOVED when the fans came together to make this, both Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas were amazing RPGs as standalone titles, but being able to travel between both the Capital Wasteland and the Mojave Desert, as well as beating both games in one run, mixing and matching gear between the two worlds, bringing companions from one wasteland to the next and so on, EASILY make this game superior to the sum of its parts, this is amazing and the best Fallout experience!
91/100: Fable Anniversary is a personal favorite of mine, I grew up playing Fable the Lost Chapters and still love the world of Albion to this very day. The Monty Python style humor, the morality system, and the story all culminate in a style of game that stands out from the crowd in the best way possible, from start to finish, good playthroughs and bad playthroughs, I adore this game. Unfortunately the Anniversary edition does have performance issues on both the 360 and any version of Xbox One, however, that wasn't enough to ruin my time with it, especially with all the content they added.
90/100: Lemme start this out by saying, I play Bethesda games on PC with mods, so this does help to improve the score significantly. Oblivion was my introduction not only to The Elder Scrolls but to Bethesda games as a whole and WOW, what an introduction it was. I originally played the game on Xbox 360 way back when and sunk over 100 hours into it before switching over to the PC version where I fell in love with it even harder thanks to mods to help stabilize it. The main quest was fun and memorable with an ending that I still consider legendary to this day, the factions were all a blast to join and play through and all felt very rewarding and memorable, the DLC is top tier, and some of the best in ANY RPG I've ever played, especially Shivering Isles, and the music always sends me back in time to when I was a child. It's hard to not be nostalgia biased here but in the interest of fairness, I do have to note that the combat isn't the best and wasn't even back in the day when it first launched and the game, while more stable than most Bethesda titles, still does crash more often than the average RPG, even with mods to help fix it. But don't let that keep you from experiencing this amazing title, it's well worth it!
89/100: Lemme start this out by saying, I play Bethesda (yes this is from Obsidian but is still Bethesda at its core) games on PC with mods, so this does help to improve the score significantly. Fallout New Vegas is honestly, in my opinion, the best Fallout game made to date. Everything from the factions to the story, the numerous possible endings to incredible quests and so much more, make Fallout NV a must-play experience for anyone who enjoys the gameplay loop of a Western RPG. However, the game is not without its bugs, numerous in fact. Even with unofficial patches and mods meant to give stability, Fallout NV is still prone to crashing and game-breaking glitches that can prevent progress further into the game. Despite this however, I find the positives to FAR outweigh the negatives as I have sunk over 400 hours into this masterpiece of a game, obtaining all major faction endings, every achievement, and completing nearly every single quest in the game's main story AND DLC. The world of the Mojave is just so much fun to explore and represents the peak of the franchise in my opinion. I would rank this higher but, the fan project "Fallout: A Tale of Two Wastelands" is everything Fallout NV is and more, making it the definitive way to experience this game. That said if you're on console, this is the best choice to learn what Fallout is all about!
85/100: Lemme start this out by saying, I play Bethesda games on PC with mods, so this does help to improve the score significantly. Fallout 4 is an amazing experience for me, I'm a mega fan of the series and lore and Fallout 4 took some of the best aspects of Fallout 3 and New Vegas and ran with them, improving on them in many ways. The weapon customization is a ton of fun and the settlement building is easily one of my favorite features in any game ever. The story was honestly pretty great with all but one of the options feeling incredibly fun and worth experiencing. I love this game and with a few mods to patch up issues, it's one of the best in the series.
85/100: It's amazing to me how this single DLC-sized mod, not only feels like an official game expansion but is actively even better than the game it's expanding! Exploring County Bruma was a dream and threw me back to my childhood days of playing Oblivion, but in the same era as Skyrim! The voice acting is above the quality levels of base Skyrim itself and the land is just so much more fun to explore. I can't wait for more from this team!
83/100: Fable II is a game that I adore but also resent in some ways. The gameplay is, for the most part, a great improvement over the first game, the comedy remains intact and they improved on the landlording system in so many ways that it might initially seem like a better game in every way, however.... The morality system is weak compared, with only 2 or 3 changes ever having any real effect on the story and world and I find they made combat far too easy, specifically Will powers since you no longer have limited Will energy. But all that said, it's still an amazing time and a game I love, just not as much as the first game.
83/100: Lemme start this out by saying, I play Bethesda games on PC with mods, so this does help to improve the score significantly. I wanted to hate the entire idea of this second re-release of Skyrim, since I thought they were just milking the game dry, but I'd be lying if I said that all of the new content didn't breathe new life into the game and make me come back to it many more times. This is now the best version of Skyrim.
81/100: The Witcher 2 is an AMAZING game that is unfortunately bogged down by some bugs and performance problems. To start out, the characters, world, and story are easily among the best I've ever seen in any game and I love the crafting mechanics to make new items, gear, and potions. So what's the problem? Well combat is kinda buggy with many dodges still registering as the enemy hitting you, I noticed several times on the last chapter that entire meshes would disappear or go invisible, which forced me to quit the game and reload it to fix and I did have a few crashes while playing through it. Still a great game but, it needed just a bit more polish. (pun intended)
80/100: Lemme start this out by saying, I play Bethesda games on PC with mods, so this does help to improve the score significantly. The world of Skyrim is a magical place to explore and get lost in with tons to do and collect! However it does also have some of the worst questing and factions in the franchise, with only the Thieves' Guild and Dark Brotherhood really feeling rewarding to play. However the DLC were a great deal of fun and thanks to unofficial patches , the game looks and runs fantastic on PC, and it's still a game I love to death, enough to sink hundreds of hours into.
79/100: Lemme start this out by saying, I play Bethesda games on PC with mods, so this does help to improve the score significantly. Fallout 3 was my introduction to the series and it's a game I have a lot of love and nostalgia for. While initially introduced to it as "Oblivion with guns", I quickly found myself appreciating it for its unique atmosphere and lore and sunk countless hours into it, however, after replaying the game recently as a more experienced gamer, I have sadly found that it's lacking in many departments. The lack of meaningful player choice is honestly very sad, especially for a Fallout game, you basically HAVE to side with the Brotherhood of Steel, unless you want to poison the water for the Enclave, which is an act made irrelevant by the Broken Steel DLC anyhow as the Enclave will remain hostile to you despite this and you'll still be forced to ally with the BoS in the end. The companions are bland and one dimensional and the plot itself is among the weakest in the franchise. I still love this game but, it doesn't hold up to my nostalgia for it sadly.
77/100: Lemme start this out by saying, I play Bethesda games on PC with mods, so this does help to improve the score significantly. Since I already have Special Edition on this list, I won't spend too long on this one, it's just a worse-looking, poorer-performing, more buggy version of the game that crashes and glitches way more frequently. I still have love for it as I played this version when it was the only one available but, I don't recommend anyone play this version anymore.
68/100: So, Lords of the Fallen is a game I jumped into with no expectations at all, I knew it wasn't very popular among the Souls community and casual crowd alike, so when I delved into it, I found myself decently happy with what I ended up getting. The combat is definitely among the easiest in a Souls-like experience I've had, but it still had the same rewarding gameplay loops the others do, some enemies, especially a few bosses, will test your patience but in a fun way, making it satisfying to finally beat them down. So what makes it rank lower? Well, the game is too generous with its equivalent of bonfires compared to Souls-proper and the world isn't nearly as atmospheric or interesting. But a decent time nonetheless!


61/100: So this is a game I beat thanks to GamePass and, I honestly found it to be a decent, yet not all too enthralling Diablo clone. The need to switch between the different characters for their class to overcome obstacles and enemies was fun, but the gameplay loop was a bit dull and the world felt uninspired. It's not bad by any means, but it's also not quite good either.
45/100: I want to start this by saying that my experience was as an alpha tester for this project many years ago. I still have the files installed and recently went back in to make sure my opinions remained true and they did. Skywind is an ambitious project full of potential, but in its current state, I can't recommend it even for goofing around in. The world is empty and barren, even when compared to Morrowind itself, the creatures don't feel like Morrowind creatures but rather half-assed reskins of Skyrim's wildlife and the visuals are woefully unimpressive. I understand it was just an alpha-stage project but, it's just not one I can recommend. I am hopeful for the future though!
18/100: I'm not gonna spend much time on this one, imagine Pokemon Go but without the addictive gameplay loop, only battling and no aspect of trading with friends. That's The Witcher: Monster Slayer in a nutshell. The only reason it even ranks this highly is that I think it's a cool way to introduce some neat monster designs to the universe.


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