When I played OlliOlli 2 years ago, my main takeaway was that the game had incredibly fun mechanics but was just brutally difficult.

Years later, playing OlliOlli World, my feelings on it are...well, it has incredibly fun mechanics but it's brutally difficult. But!

I do want to mention a few things - I love the new Adventure Timey visuals that give the game a much stronger visual identity than the minimalist nature of the first two, and I do think the game does a much better job of presenting a gradual difficulty curve that gets the player comfortable before really stepping on the gas. It's also very cool to see the game take advantage of the shift to 3D by having levels with multiple paths that often intersect and loop around each other.

I will never, ever be good enough at OlliOlli World to do some of the later challenges and high scores, but it still felt cool as hell when my emo skater avatar blitzed through an entire level with a full combo. Few things are as exhilarating, which balances out the screaming at my TV when I bailed at the last obstacle before the finish line.

Reviewed on Mar 02, 2022
